Sharp and Reliable Legal Recruiters

At Gloria Geraci & Associates, we know the importance of having a smart, balanced team that works well together. If your firm is in need of talent, you can turn to us. We can assist you in filling a challenging job position. Our team will reach out to you to get a better understanding of what you need and what you’re expecting from a candidate. Once it has been established, we’ll research and screen any potential applicants. We’ll present you with only solid candidates that passed our thorough vetting process.
The Art of the Interview
The interview is the most vital, challenging part of the hiring process for both the employer and the potential employee. Here, we’ve compiled some tips that may help you conduct an interview that will help you find the perfect match for the position.
Before the Interview
Before searching for someone to fill the position, you have to spend time thinking about the description of the position first. You and your team should all be on the same page when you’re discussing the definition of the appointment. The job description you settle on should identify the position’s title, responsibilities, and requirements.
Ask yourselves questions such as the following:
- What are the responsibilities of the position?
- What is this role’s primary objective?
- What type of candidate does the team want?
During the Interview
Upon the applicant’s arrival, it’s important that you put him or her at ease with small talk about the job position and the company. Discuss the nature of your business, as well as its history and future. Once you’ve established a rapport with the applicant, you should begin the interview
promptly by asking both conventional and behavioral questions.
You should take note of your candidate’s answers, as these will give you a window into their knowledge, attitude, and sense of humor.
Additionally, you should keep an eye out for the following:
- Nonverbal cues, such as eye contact
or body language
- Signs of bitterness toward former employers
- Topics the applicant is reluctant
to talk about
Make sure to trust your instincts without forming any hasty impressions. You should also leave time for the candidate to ask any questions of his or her own. Analyze their questions, as they indicate how well the applicant had been prepared for the meeting. End the interview by letting the candidate know what the next steps are.